Fauna e caccia

Release of the regional hunting card to foreigners and Italians living abroad

Foreign or Italian hunters living abroad must contact the territorial service for hunting and fishing for the territory.

Foreign or Italian hunters living abroad must contact the territorial service for hunting and fishing for the territory with the following documents:

  • 1. a copy of a personal identification document.
  • 2. copy of the foreign hunting certificate.
  • 3. copy of the policy of compulsory insurance for third-party liability arising from hunting and accidents, from which the date of payment of the premium from which the insurance coverage takes effect can be clearly ascertained with certainty and ceilings that can not be lower than those required by law for Italian hunters.
  • 4. a copy of the European firearms pass (for citizens of the European Union).
  • 5. Non-EU citizens who wish to temporarily import firearms on national territory for hunting purposes must first contact the local police offices responsible for territory and matter, both in the country of origin, both on the national territory.
  • 6. For hunting in the area of hunting (ATC), copy of the registration payment to the ATC.
  • 7. For hunting in the Wildlife Game Company (AFV), substitutive declaration of a notorious act in which the exclusive hunting intent in AFV is made explicit.

If the foreign or Italian citizen residing abroad does not provide the opportunity to bring their hunting weapons on the national territory but intends to make use of hunting weapons owned by resident Italian citizens, the contract of "User-to-use" is provided. Information on this legal institution must be required to the local police offices.

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